Melj Dev

Je transforme vos idées en solutions web innovantes et performantes. Spécialisé dans le développement de sites internet sur mesure, je combine expertise technique et créativité pour offrir des expériences utilisateur exceptionnelles.

À propos

À propos de moi

Julien Melançon

Développeur Web

Salut ! Je m'appelle Julien Melançon, et je suis le fondateur de Melj Développement. Avec une passion pour le web et des années d'expérience dans la création de sites modernes et performants, je me consacre à aider les entreprises à se démarquer en ligne. Chez Melj Développement, je crois que chaque projet est unique et mérite une approche personnalisée. Que tu aies besoin d'un site vitrine, d'une boutique en ligne ou d'une refonte complète, je suis là pour transformer tes idées en réalité numérique. Mon objectif est de créer des sites web qui ne sont pas seulement beaux, mais aussi intuitifs, rapides et optimisés pour le référencement.

Ce qui me distingue, c'est ma capacité à écouter mes clients et à comprendre leurs besoins spécifiques. Je travaille main dans la main avec toi à chaque étape du projet, de la conception initiale à la mise en ligne, pour garantir un résultat qui te satisfait pleinement.

Pourquoi choisir Melj Développement ?

  • Design personnalisé : Chaque site que je crée est unique et adapté à l'identité de ton entreprise.
  • Optimisation SEO : J'intègre les meilleures pratiques de référencement pour améliorer ta visibilité en ligne.
  • Adaptabilité mobile : Tous les sites que je développe sont entièrement responsives et optimisés pour tous les appareils.
  • Support dédié : Je suis disponible pour t'accompagner même après la mise en ligne de ton site.

Je suis convaincu que la réussite de ton entreprise passe par une présence en ligne forte et attrayante. Ensemble, nous pouvons faire passer ton site web au niveau supérieur. N'hésite pas à me contacter pour discuter de ton projet ! À bientôt.


Qu'est-ce que j'offres ?

  • 01

    Création de Sites Web Personnalisés

    Conception et développement de sites web uniques, adaptés à l'identité de votre entreprise, pour une présence en ligne qui vous distingue de la concurrence.

  • 02

    Refonte de Sites Web

    Modernisation de votre site existant avec un design contemporain, des fonctionnalités améliorées et une optimisation pour les moteurs de recherche.

  • 03

    Optimisation SEO

    Services d'optimisation pour les moteurs de recherche (SEO) afin d'améliorer votre visibilité en ligne.

  • 04

    Maintenance et Support Technique

    Suivi régulier et assistance technique pour assurer que votre site web fonctionne parfaitement, avec des mises à jour, des sauvegardes et une sécurité renforcée.

  • 05

    Développement de Sites Responsives

    Création de sites web entièrement responsives, optimisés pour tous les appareils (ordinateurs, tablettes, smartphones).

  • 06


    Développement de boutiques en ligne robustes et sécurisées, intégrant des solutions de paiement et des outils de gestion des stocks.

Quelques faits...

  • 10+

    Projets complétés
  • 10+

    Clients satisfaits
  • 10K+

    Lignes de code

Mes prix

  • 0$


    • Consultation

    • Évaluation des besoins

    • .

    • .

    • .

  • 150$/ mois


    • Création de Site Web

    • Amélioration de Site Web

    • Gestion de l'hébergement

    • Support offert en tout temps

  • 1000$


    • Création de Site Web

    • Amélioration de Site Web

    • Livraison des fichiers

    • Le client s'occupe d'héberger


Latest News

  • Just because we can't get out and about like we normally would, doesn’t mean we have to stop taking pictures. There’s still plenty you can do, provided you're prepared to use some imagination. Here are a few ideas to keep you shooting until normal life resumes.

    Most photographers love to shoot the unusual, and you don’t get much more unusual than These Unprecedented Times. Right now everything counts as out of the ordinary. There are a number of remarkable things about these lockdown days that are worth photographing now so we can remember them when it is all over.

    Most photographers find it hard to see interesting pictures in places in which they are most familiar. A trip somewhere new seems always exactly what our photography needed, as shooting away from home consistently inspires us to new artistic heights.

    Streets empty that are usually busy are remarkable and can evoke the sense of historical pictures from before the invention of the motorcar. Other things that are different at the moment will be queues to get into stores and the lines marked out on the floor to show how far apart we should be.

    Pretend everything is new and that you haven’t seen it before, and then you will be free to notice the leading lines, the places where one edge meets another in delightful geometric harmony, and how the ordinary things in the kitchen are transformed when the light is on or off.

    The trick here is to look slowly, and then look again. Take the time to look in detail and to look at the same thing from different angles, with different light, long lenses and wide lenses. Then move to the left a bit. You may never feel the need to leave the house again.

  • Just because we can't get out and about like we normally would, doesn’t mean we have to stop taking pictures. There’s still plenty you can do, provided you're prepared to use some imagination. Here are a few ideas to keep you shooting until normal life resumes.

    Most photographers love to shoot the unusual, and you don’t get much more unusual than These Unprecedented Times. Right now everything counts as out of the ordinary. There are a number of remarkable things about these lockdown days that are worth photographing now so we can remember them when it is all over.

    Most photographers find it hard to see interesting pictures in places in which they are most familiar. A trip somewhere new seems always exactly what our photography needed, as shooting away from home consistently inspires us to new artistic heights.

    Streets empty that are usually busy are remarkable and can evoke the sense of historical pictures from before the invention of the motorcar. Other things that are different at the moment will be queues to get into stores and the lines marked out on the floor to show how far apart we should be.

    Pretend everything is new and that you haven’t seen it before, and then you will be free to notice the leading lines, the places where one edge meets another in delightful geometric harmony, and how the ordinary things in the kitchen are transformed when the light is on or off.

    The trick here is to look slowly, and then look again. Take the time to look in detail and to look at the same thing from different angles, with different light, long lenses and wide lenses. Then move to the left a bit. You may never feel the need to leave the house again.

  • Just because we can't get out and about like we normally would, doesn’t mean we have to stop taking pictures. There’s still plenty you can do, provided you're prepared to use some imagination. Here are a few ideas to keep you shooting until normal life resumes.

    Most photographers love to shoot the unusual, and you don’t get much more unusual than These Unprecedented Times. Right now everything counts as out of the ordinary. There are a number of remarkable things about these lockdown days that are worth photographing now so we can remember them when it is all over.

    Most photographers find it hard to see interesting pictures in places in which they are most familiar. A trip somewhere new seems always exactly what our photography needed, as shooting away from home consistently inspires us to new artistic heights.

    Streets empty that are usually busy are remarkable and can evoke the sense of historical pictures from before the invention of the motorcar. Other things that are different at the moment will be queues to get into stores and the lines marked out on the floor to show how far apart we should be.

    Pretend everything is new and that you haven’t seen it before, and then you will be free to notice the leading lines, the places where one edge meets another in delightful geometric harmony, and how the ordinary things in the kitchen are transformed when the light is on or off.

    The trick here is to look slowly, and then look again. Take the time to look in detail and to look at the same thing from different angles, with different light, long lenses and wide lenses. Then move to the left a bit. You may never feel the need to leave the house again.

  • Just because we can't get out and about like we normally would, doesn’t mean we have to stop taking pictures. There’s still plenty you can do, provided you're prepared to use some imagination. Here are a few ideas to keep you shooting until normal life resumes.

    Most photographers love to shoot the unusual, and you don’t get much more unusual than These Unprecedented Times. Right now everything counts as out of the ordinary. There are a number of remarkable things about these lockdown days that are worth photographing now so we can remember them when it is all over.

    Most photographers find it hard to see interesting pictures in places in which they are most familiar. A trip somewhere new seems always exactly what our photography needed, as shooting away from home consistently inspires us to new artistic heights.

    Streets empty that are usually busy are remarkable and can evoke the sense of historical pictures from before the invention of the motorcar. Other things that are different at the moment will be queues to get into stores and the lines marked out on the floor to show how far apart we should be.

    Pretend everything is new and that you haven’t seen it before, and then you will be free to notice the leading lines, the places where one edge meets another in delightful geometric harmony, and how the ordinary things in the kitchen are transformed when the light is on or off.

    The trick here is to look slowly, and then look again. Take the time to look in detail and to look at the same thing from different angles, with different light, long lenses and wide lenses. Then move to the left a bit. You may never feel the need to leave the house again.

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